This image shows the surface temperature distribution on an electrically heated foil subject to jet impingement with enhanced swirl. It is from a paper by Kinsella, Donnelly, O´Donovan and Murray and is in the Proceedings of EUROTHERM 2008. This image is taken from a study of the characterization of transient distributed surface sources through infrared thermography by Vintrou, Lariqi, Bauzin and Bairi and was presented at EUROTHERM seminar 94 (Metti 5). This particular image shows the estimated heat flux on the front of the plate, inferred from the temperature distribution measured on the back face by IR imaging. This image shows Nusselt number distributions in the entrance region of a horizontal pipe and is from Grassi and Testi in Proceedings of Eurotherm 2008  Developing flow of FC-72 in a uniformly heated horizontal cylindrical pipe was studied in the regime of transitional mixed convection. Heat transfer coefficients were measured at 6 cross sections along the heated length, with 60 azimuthal positions being monitored at each section. A significantly different thermo-fluid-dynamic behaviour was observed between top and bottom of the pipe.  Impinging jet full field flow velocity and turbulence intensity from PIV measurements in jet impingement study by T.S. O´Donovan (EUROTHERM Award winner, 2008).

Publishers and Journals of Interest
Elsevier Science

Taylor & Francis Publisher

The American Society of Mechanical Engineers

John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Publishers

Begell-House Inc.

Edizioni ETS

R.T. Edwards Inc.

Springer Verlag

McGraw-Hill Publishing


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