This image is taken from a study of the characterization of transient distributed surface sources through infrared thermography by Vintrou, Lariqi, Bauzin and Bairi and was presented at EUROTHERM seminar 94 (Metti 5). In this work the spatial and temporal distributions of a heat flux distribution received by the front surface of a thin metal plate are inferred from the temperature distribution measured on the back face by ir thermal imaging (shown here). This image shows phase locked vorticity plots for an impinging synthetic jet with a constant stroke length of 17D at different phases within the ejection and suction stages of the cycle. It is from a paper on synthetic jet heat transfer by McGuinn, Persoons, Valiorgue, O´Donovan and Murray and is in the Proceedings of Eurotherm 2008. Impinging jet full field flow velocity and turbulence intensity from PIV measurements in jet impingement study by T.S. O´Donovan (EUROTHERM Award winner, 2008). This image shows the surface temperature distribution on an electrically heated foil subject to jet impingement with enhanced swirl. It is from a paper by Kinsella, Donnelly, O´Donovan and Murray and is in the Proceedings of EUROTHERM 2008.

Statutes of EUROTHERM

The original statutes of EUROTHERM were drawn up by a group of individuals (listed below), representative of different European scientific communities and working in the field of thermal sciences and their applications, at a meeting that took place at the 8th International Heat Transfer Conference, in San Francisco, on August 21st, 1986 and approved in Brussels on October 16th, 1986. The statutes were updated by the committee on 31st January 2012.
EUROTHERM is a non-profit organization; all the incomes and revenues have to be reinvested in its activities.
EUROTHERM consists of and is represented by the EUROTHERM committee. The aim of the EUROTHERM Committee is to promote and foster European cooperation in Thermal Sciences and Heat Transfer by supporting the organisation and coordination of seminars and conferences in this field.
The Committee is made up of members representing the various scientific communities and countries in Europe and appointed where appropriate by a suitable representative national body. There can be no more than two members from one country. Exceptions to the two members per country limit apply in the case of past Presidents and founder members of the committee, who retain membership of the committee. If a member is inactive for a period of two years, he/she will be asked to resign from the committee.
The Committee elects a President and a Secretary from within its members. The terms for President and Secretary are four years, and the same person cannot hold one of these positions for more than two terms.
The main EUROTHERM scientific events organised are specialised seminars covering a large variety of topics, both fundamental and applied. A number of seminars are held each year, with the first having been held in 1988. The venues are varied within the member countries and also participants from countries outside of Europe are welcome to attend the seminars. Besides, every four years a more general European Thermal Sciences Conference is organised, being started in 1992.
Topics for seminars are proposed by individual members of the Committee following consultations between them and their colleagues or representative national bodies. These proposals are submitted in a written form to the Committee.
From the proposals for seminars received, the Committee chooses those which can be organised and marketed under the EUROTHERM label. Those chosen are designated as EUROTHERM Seminar n. X. The President will inform the organisers of the decision and about the EUROTHERM guidelines. The Secretary will disseminate the announcement through the EUROTHERM-Committee website.
When accepted, each seminar is arranged by a Chairman and a Co-Chairman agreed by the Committee. The Chairman and Co-Chairman, who are preferably from different countries, may decide to appoint a subcommittee to assist with arrangements. The Chairman and Co-Chairman will have the responsibility of ensuring that the EUROTHERM Seminars are correctly financed. The Committee will not take any financial responsibility; however, it could help in obtaining European sponsorship. The Chairman and Co-Chairman of the Seminar will prepare a report, after the event, to be submitted to the Committee. In the case of a positive financial balance, the organizer will transfer a fee to EUROTHERM as a contribution to its activities. The amount of the fee will be decided by the Committee but will not exceed EUR500.
Every four years EUROTHERM Prizes will be awarded for the best PhD-thesis in Thermal Sciences in the past four years. The Prize and Awards will be presented at the EUROTHERM Thermal Sciences Conference. To select the possible prize winners the Committee appoints a Prize-committee from its members. The Prize-committee is free in choosing its chairman and procedures. Depending on its financial resources the Committee will decide about the number and value of the Prizes.
The previous statements do not exclude any other activity to be organised by the Committee and its members, for instance larger meetings, with wider representation than the EUROTHERM Seminar and Conference.
The Committee will give favourable attention to giving support to national meetings which could be proposed for such support by representative national bodies.
The Committee will cooperate with the Assembly for the International Heat Transfer Conferences and with the International Center for Heat and Mass Transfer to promote harmonisation of the activities.


Those who attended the meeting in August 1986:

G.F. HEWITT (U.K.), (1934-2019)
C.J. HOOGENDOORN (The Netherlands), (1930-2012)
M. CUMO (Italy),
J.P. BARDON (France),
M. COMBARNOUS (France - ICHMT), (1940–2018)
J. GOSSE (France),
J.F. SACADURA (France)


Eurotherm Seminar 118

Hydrogen Energy Technologies
May 08 – 10, 2024, Krakow Poland


We are very sorry to inform that Prof. Maurizio Cumo, Founding Member and Honorary Member of the EUROTHERM Committee passed away on January 1, 2024, at the age of 84 years (1939-2024).

Prof. Maurizio Cumo (1939-2024)



9th European Thermal Sciences Conference
June 10-13, 2024, Lake Bled, Slovenia