This image shows phase locked vorticity plots for an impinging synthetic jet with a constant stroke length of 17D at different phases within the ejection and suction stages of the cycle. It is from a paper on synthetic jet heat transfer by McGuinn, Persoons, Valiorgue, O´Donovan and Murray and is in the Proceedings of Eurotherm 2008. This image is taken from a study of the characterization of transient distributed surface sources through infrared thermography by Vintrou, Lariqi, Bauzin and Bairi and was presented at EUROTHERM seminar 94 (Metti 5). In this work the spatial and temporal distributions of a heat flux distribution received by the front surface of a thin metal plate are inferred from the temperature distribution measured on the back face by ir thermal imaging (shown here). This image shows a nanochannel with a hot wall (left) and a cold wall (right). Heat transfer in the nanochannel is simulated using molecular dynamics and Monte Carlo methods; the research has been conducted by Nidea, Frijns, van Steenhoven and Markvoort ( This image shows the temperature field behind a heated cylinder, measured using Laser Induced Fluorescence (LIF). The flow has a Reynolds number of 130 and a Richardson number of 1.5. This image is taken from a study by Seuntiëns, Rindt and van Steenhoven (

Welcome to the Eurotherm Committee Web site.
The EUROTHERM Committee was formed in Brussels on 16 October 1986 following an initiative taken at the 8th International Heat Transfer Conference in San Francisco earlier that year.

The aim of EUROTHERM is to promote and foster European cooperation in Thermal Sciences and Heat Transfer by gathering together scientists and engineers working in specialised areas.


Eurotherm Seminar 118

Hydrogen Energy Technologies
May 08 – 10, 2024, Krakow Poland


We are very sorry to inform that Prof. Maurizio Cumo, Founding Member and Honorary Member of the EUROTHERM Committee passed away on January 1, 2024, at the age of 84 years (1939-2024).

Prof. Maurizio Cumo (1939-2024)



9th European Thermal Sciences Conference
June 10-13, 2024, Lake Bled, Slovenia